
欧美明星 1 0







The Beckham’s have totally failed in raising their children, all three boys have amounted to nothing. They all, despite having the best education money can buy, have very limited (if any) qualifications and now just fill their days flitting from one holiday to the next. It may sound like a perfect life for those of us who go to work on a day to day basis but they totally lack purpose and that can be very destructive.

Very sad indeed, with all their money their kids could have gone to Uni and got a career. One makes cheese sandwiches on telly for goodness sake. I hope they do a better job with the daughter and encourage her to get decent grades and at least a trade which falls outside the Beckham empire.

That’s not really fair. Brooklyn is an extremely successful professional layabout. His brothers are doing their best to emulate his great achievement. It remains to be seen what Harper will aspire to.
这并不公平。Brooklyn 是一个非常成功的职业闲散者。他的兄弟们正在尽最大努力效仿他的伟大成就。哈珀将渴望什么还有待观察。

Compared to yesterday a rather dull start to the day here on the outskirts of Penzance. It's noticeably cooler too with an air temperature of 17⁰. I've put yesterday's washing in the airing cupboard and I shall shortly be getting a bus into town for some shopping. The seagulls are strangely quiet.
与昨天相比,彭赞斯郊区的一天开始相当沉闷。空气温度为 17⁰,也明显凉爽。我已经把昨天的衣服放在晾晒柜里,我很快就会坐公共汽车进城去购物。海鸥出奇地安静。

A serious question, asked on behalf of a friend. Just what, does a 30 year old woman, who has seen her career and fame plummet, see in a boy of 19 whose parents are beyond wealthy and are massively famous?
一个严肃的问题,代表一个朋友问。一个 30 岁的女性,她的事业和名声一落千丈,她会在一个 19 岁的男孩身上看到什么,他的父母非常富有,而且非常有名?

Not to be too crude but maybe he wants an 'experienced' woman and she wants a bit o' young flesh..

There is absolutely nothing a 30 year old has in common with a 19 year old.
30 岁的人和 19 岁的人绝对没有任何共同之处。

(来源:Daily Mail)


