
港台明星 10 0



According to the Global Times, Douyin announced on Saturday that it has permanently banned the accounts of Zhang lan, former mother-in-law of the late Taiwanese actress and TV host Barbie Hsu (“Big S”), and Zhang’s son, Wang Xiaofei, who is Barbie Hsu’s ex-husband, for disseminating false information about Hsu. Their actions violated public order, social norms, and moral standards, disrespected the deceased and their families, and provoked widespread public backlash.

此外,总部位于香港的英文新闻网站《Dimsum日报》报道称,抖音还对张兰、汪小菲和夏健的账号实施了永久封禁Additionally, Dimsum Daily reported that Douyin has permanently banned the accounts of Zhang Lan, Wang Xiaofei, and Xia Jian.

与此同时,越南最早的在线新闻网站之一,由 FPT Corporation(越南著名科技公司)运营的英文版 ,越南新闻网站( VnExpress International) 详细报道了汪小菲在直播中与母亲张兰的对峙事件。报道指出,汪小菲在直播中公开否认了有关他资助私人飞机运送芭比·许骨灰的传言。

Furthermore, VnExpress International detailed an incident where Wang Xiaofei confronted his mother, Zhang Lan, during a live stream after dismissing rumors that he funded a private jet for transporting Barbie Hsu’s ashes.


Barbie Hsu recently passed away from pneumonia as a complication of the flu while traveling in Japan with her family. Her death has attracted widespread attention, and netizens expressed their condolences and called for respect and dignity in remembering her.

【译】(徐熙媛)芭比·许(Barbie Hsu)最近与家人一起在日本旅行时从肺炎中去世,这是流感的并发症。她的死引起了广泛的关注,网民表示哀悼,并呼吁以尊重和尊严来怀念她。

【词语解析】“Pass away” 和 “die” 都表示“去世”,但它们的语气和使用场合有所不同:

pass away(去世): 更委婉、更正式,通常用于表达对逝者的尊重或在较为正式的场合中使用。适用于悼念、新闻报道、医疗场合等,例如: She passed away peacefully last night.(她昨晚安详地去世了。)We were saddened to hear that he had passed away.(我们很难过听到他去世的消息。)

die(死亡): 更直接、更普通,可以用于日常对话,也可以用在科学或医学讨论中。在非正式、客观的陈述中更常见,例如:Many people died in the accident.(许多人在事故中丧生。)He died of a heart attack.(他死于心脏病。)

在正式的新闻或公告中,pass away 更常用,而在医学、法律或科学文献中,die 更为常见。

pass away 更有情感色彩,强调对逝者的尊重。如果想更礼貌、含蓄地表达“去世”,建议使用 “pass away”;如果只是客观陈述事实,“die” 更为直接


“Condolences” 一般以复数形式出现,因为它表示的是对逝者家属或亲友表达的一系列安慰、慰问之言。例如:

Please accept my deepest condolences on your loss.(请接受我对您失去亲人的最深切慰问。)

在英语中,某些表示感情或礼节性表达的名词(如 thanks, regards, best wishes)通常以复数形式出现,表示更丰富或更正式的情感表达。

尽管“condolence”可以作为单数名词使用(意指“同情”),但在表达慰问时,几乎总是用复数形式 “condolences”。除了“condolences”,可以用更自然或口语化的方式表达哀悼。例如:

I’m so sorry for your loss.(我对你的失去深感抱歉。)

My heart goes out to you and your family.(我的心与你和你的家人同在。)

Thinking of you during this difficult time.(在这个艰难的时刻,我在想着你。)

Additionally, accounts such as “Zhang Lan · Chic Life” have been found guilty of maliciously using Hsu’s death for commercial gain by promoting false videos and repeatedly sharing inaccurate and infringing content.

【译文】此外,像“张兰·俏生活(Zhang lan·Chic Life)”这类的账户,通过推送虚假视频,且反复分享不准确的内容,存在恶意侵犯的过错。

【词语解析】“张兰·俏生活" 用了chic 这个词?


fashionable 流行的、符合潮流的;

stylish 有型的、时尚的;

elegant 优雅的、高贵的;


但是Global Times用了一个更加sophisticated(精致的,考究的,富有品味的)的词---chic


“chic” 源自法语,最早用于19世纪的英语,形容法国人的时尚优雅风格。如今,它已成为全球通用的时尚形容词,尤其常见于时尚界、设计领域和生活方式类表达。例如:

The hotel has a chic and modern design.(这家酒店设计时尚现代。)

Her outfit is the epitome of French chic.(她的穿搭是时尚的典范。)

Barbie Hsu (Big S) looked effortlessly chic in a black dress.(芭比·许/大S身着黑色连衣裙,流露出自然天成的时尚韵味。)

参考资料:Global Times/ Dimsum Daily/ VnExpress International

2025-02-08@ ManorPlace

标签: 汪小菲 张兰 封禁