- [Interviewer] Your song, "Toxic Till the End", is about a toxic ex of yours.
- [采访者] 你的歌曲《Toxic Till the End》是关于你的一个有毒前任的。
Is the song about Jaden Smith?
[suspenseful music] Rose, do you know why you're here today?
[悬疑音乐] 罗斯,你知道你今天为什么来这里吗?
- To do the lie detector test?
- 做测谎测试吗?
I'm kind of scared.
[laughs] - [Interviewer] This is Judd, our polygraph expert.
[笑] — [采访者] 这是我俩的测谎仪专家贾德。
- Hi.
- 你好。
- [Interviewer] Are you ready to be hooked up?
-[采访人] 你准备好被连接了吗?
- I don't know.
- 我不知道。
I feel like I'm getting in trouble.
[suspenseful music continues] [electricity crackles] [Judd talks indistinctly] - Oh, oh.
[悬疑音乐继续] [电流噼啪作响] [贾德说话含糊不清] - 哦,哦。
I should have checked these videos out before I came.
Oh, ooh!
How accurate is it?
- It would be very accurate.
- 非常准确。
- Really?
- 真的吗?
- [Interviewer] To begin, I'm gonna ask you a few questions to calibrate the machine.
- [采访者] 首先,我要问你几个问题来校准机器。
Keep your hands on the table.
- Oh, okay.
- 哦好的。
- [Interviewer] Is your full name Roseanne Park?
- [采访者] 你的全名是 Roseanne Park 吗?
- Yes.
- 是的。
- [Interviewer] Are you a member of BLACKPINK?
-[采访人] 你是BLACKPINK的成员吗?
- Yes.
- 是的。
- [Interviewer] Are you about to take a polygraph exam?
-[采访者] 你要接受测谎考试吗?
- Yes.
- 是的。
- [Interviewer] Are you nervous?
- Yes.
- 是的。
- Judd, are we ready to go?
- 贾德,我们准备好出发了吗?
- Good to go.
- 一切顺利。
[suspenseful bang] - [Interviewer] We're gonna start with the category of your life.
[悬念爆炸声] - [采访者] 我们将从你的生活类别开始。
[suspenseful bang] - My life.
[悬疑爆炸] - 我的生活。
- [Interviewer] You were born in New Zealand and raised in Australia.
-[采访者] 您出生在新西兰,在澳大利亚长大。
- Uh-hmm.
- 嗯。
- [Interviewer] So which country are you more loyal to?
- I think most of my memories are from Korea because I've been living there for the past 12 years.
- 我想我的大部分记忆都来自韩国,因为我过去 12 年一直生活在那里。
So I would say Korea.
I'm Korean by blood, so Korea.
Are we still doing the first testing?
- Oh, no, we're in it.
- 哦,不,我们在里面。
- Oh, we're in it.
- 噢,我们在里面。
Oh, my God, okay.
- [Interviewer] You're fluent in both English and Korean.
- Uh-hmm.
- 嗯。
- [Interviewer] Have you ever slipped into the wrong language while singing?
-[采访人] 您唱歌的时候有没有说错语言?
- No, but I've picked up the phone in a different language before mid sleep.
- 没有,但我在睡梦中接听过用不同语言打来的电话。
If you call me mid sleep, I'll pick up in Korean.
- [Interviewer] Have you ever forgotten your lyrics on stage?
- Yes, many times.
- 是的,很多次。
- Can you remember them now?
- 你现在能记得起他们吗?
- All the lyrics?
- 全部歌词吗?
- All of them?
- 全部都是吗?
- No.
- 不。
I'm kind of bad with that.
- [Interviewer] Have you ever pointed your mic to the crowd because you forgot the lyrics?
- [采访人] 你是否曾因为忘记歌词而将麦克风对准人群?
- Probably.
- 大概。
Probably, yes.
- What song was it?
- 是什么歌?
- I think it was like "Tally" or something.
- 我认为它就像“Tally”或类似的东西。
Oh, no, "As If It's Your Last".
That's always kind of confusing, and I think the girls will agree.
- [Interviewer] As a kid, you wanted to be an art teacher.
Do you regret giving up on your dreams?
- No.
- 不。
- [Interviewer] Would you give up fame and fortune to become an art teacher now?
- No.
- 不。
- [Interviewer] Since you love art, could you draw Judd if we asked you to?
- [采访者] 既然您热爱艺术,如果我们要求您画贾德,您可以画吗?
- Judd, oh, my gosh, I... Ah, maybe, I'm not very good, actually.
- 贾德,哦,天哪,我......啊,也许吧,其实我不是很好。
I haven't drawn in a long time.
I could try.
I think I'll... [notebook scrapes] It's hard to draw people, 'cause like you don't wanna [laughs] make them feel bad.
我想我会......[笔记本刮擦声] 吸引人们很难,因为你不想 [笑] 让他们感觉不好。
Okay, here we go.
Let's start with the glasses.
Ah, I'm scared.
I have to do this well.
[laughs] I don't know if I'm doing well.
[笑] 我不知道我做得好吗。
The only thing that's accurate here is the glasses.
It's not the worst.
[notebook scrapes] [Rose laughs] - [Interviewer] It's good.
[笔记本刮擦声] [罗斯笑] - [采访者] 很好。
- Do we approve?
- 我们同意吗?
- Judd?
- Yeah, yeah.
- 是啊是啊。
[Rose squeals then laughs] - [Interviewer] You've said you hated taking piano lessons as a kid.
[罗斯尖叫然后大笑] - [采访者] 你说过你小时候讨厌上钢琴课。
Considering your career, do you wish you had paid more attention?
- Yes, for sure.
I wish I kind of did a few more years of that.
- [Interviewer] Do you think most kids should give up on their lessons?
- [采访者] 您认为大多数孩子应该放弃学业吗?
- No, I don't think they should, because I regret it now.
- 不,我认为他们不应该,因为我现在很后悔。
If I'd done it then, then it would be helpful now.
- [Interviewer] So you don't think you're just better than everyone?
-[采访者] 所以你不认为自己比所有人都优秀吗?
- No, no, no.
- 不,不,不。
- [Interviewer] You spent the last year learning how to drive.
-[采访者] 你花了一年时间学习开车。
Do you think getting your license at a normal age was too basic?
- Yes, very.
- 是的,非常高兴。
I may have just been lazy, but... - That's suspicious.
我可能只是太懒了,但是... - 这很可疑。
- Ooh, ah.
- 哦,啊。
Yeah, I was probably just lazy then, nevermind.
[laughs] Sorry.
[笑] 对不起。
[laughs] - [Interviewer] Did you pass the driving test on the first try?
[笑] — [采访者] 你第一次驾驶考试就通过了吗?
- I failed once.
- 我失败了一次。
- [Interviewer] Yikes.
- [采访者] 哎呀。
Have you ever given someone the middle finger while driving?
- No.
- 不。
- That's the truth.
- [Interviewer] Have you ever been recognized on the road by a fan?
- No.
- 不。
- [Interviewer] Would you ever consider doing something like this to your car?
- [采访者] 你会考虑对你的车做类似的事情吗?
- With my face on it?
- 上面有我的脸吗?
Oh, my gosh, no, that looks like a nightmare.
I would hate that.
Oh, no, no.
- She's telling the truth.
- 她说的是实话。
- Yes.
- 是的。
- [Interviewer] Moving on to your career, you first joined BLACKPINK in 2016.
-[采访人] 谈到你的职业生涯,你于 2016 年首次加入 BLACKPINK。
Was that the best moment of your life?
- Best moment of my life?
- 我一生中最美好的时刻?
I don't know if it was my best moment.
I was very nervous.
- [Interviewer] Is there an active group chat with you and the rest of BLACKPINK?
-[采访人] 您和其他 BLACKPINK 成员之间有活跃的群聊吗?
- Yes.
- 是的。
- [Interviewer] Have you ever muted it?
- No.
- 不。
- Ah!
- [Interviewer] Who is the most active?
- The most active, I would say is Jisoo.
- 最活跃的,我想说是 Jisoo。
- [Interviewer] Who sends the best memes?
- [采访者] 谁发送的表情包最好?
[Rose squeals] - They all send good memes, but I think it would be Lisa.
[罗斯尖叫] - 他们都发送了很好的表情包,但我认为应该是丽莎。
- Sounds like a question.
- Lisa or Jenny.
- Lisa 或 Jenny。
- She's being truthful.
- 她说的是实话。
- Were there any other names besides BLACKPINK that were ever considered?
- 除了 BLACKPINK 之外,还有其他名字被考虑过吗?
- Yes, we used to be almost called Pink Punk.
- 是的,我们以前差点被称为粉红朋克。
- [Interviewer] Was there a name you liked better?
-[采访者] 有没有你更喜欢的名字?
- I always liked BLACKPINK.
-我一直很喜欢 BLACKPINK。
- [Interviewer] Which is the best girl band, BLACKPINK or this band?
- [采访人] 最好的女子乐队是BLACKPINK还是这个乐队?
- Oh, my gosh, that's a hard... That's mean.
- 哦,天哪,这太难了......太卑鄙了。
These girls is fire, but since I am part of BLACKPINK, may I say BLACKPINK?
这些女孩很火,但因为我是 BLACKPINK 的一员,所以我可以说 BLACKPINK 吗?
- No, not- - Not accurate.
- 不,不 - - 不准确。
[laughs] No, BLACKPINK is the best.
[笑] 不,BLACKPINK 是最好的。
No, but Spice Girls.
- That's a lie.
- 那是谎言。
- But they're legendary, so yeah.
- [Interviewer] Who's your favorite Spice Girl?
- [采访者] 你最喜欢的辣妹组合成员是谁?
- Ah, Posh.
- 啊,Posh。
- 她说的是实话。
[Rose laughs] - [Interviewer] Which is the best girl band?
[罗斯笑] - [采访者] 哪个女子乐队最好?
BLACKPINK or the band from "Freaky Friday"?
BLACKPINK 还是“Freaky Friday”的乐队?
- Oh, my gosh, I love this movie, but, again, I wanna say BLACKPINK.
- 哦,天哪,我喜欢这部电影,但是,我再说一遍,我想说 BLACKPINK。
- 她说的是实话。
- [Interviewer] BLACKPINK or this band?
-[采访人] BLACKPINK还是这个乐队?
- 她说的是实话。
- Yes!
- 是的!
- [Interviewer] But not better than the Spice Girls?
- [采访者] 但不比辣妹组合更好吗?
- Not better than the Spice Girls, [laughs] apparently.
- 显然不比辣妹组合好,[笑]。
- [Interviewer] Your stage name is Rose.
-[采访人] 你的艺名是Rose。
Do you ever get frustrated by Google searching yourself and just finding wine?
您是否曾因使用 Google 进行自我搜索而仅找到葡萄酒而感到沮丧?
- Oh, it kind of started off that way, but, lately, I've joked it, and it comes out as me first.
- 哦,一开始是这样的,但是,最近,我开玩笑,结果却是先从我做起。
[laughs] I think I've beat the wine.
[laughs] - [Interviewer] Have you ever wished you could change your stage name?
[笑] — [采访者] 您是否曾经希望改变自己的艺名?
- Mm, sometimes, yeah, when people find it hard to pronounce it 'cause it's like Rose.
- 嗯,是的,有时候,人们发现它很难发音,因为它就像 Rose。
I have, but I like it now.
- [Interviewer] Do you feel like you could never order Rose at a restaurant?
- [采访者] 您是否觉得自己永远都不可能在餐厅里点玫瑰酒?
- Yeah.
- 是的。
I mean I actually don't like Rose wine.
That's the only one I don't like.
[laughs] - [Interviewer] So you would never consider selling Rose Rose?
[笑] — [采访者] 所以您永远不会考虑出售 Rose Rose 吗?
- No, I would.
- 不,我会的。
I'd probably make it so I like the taste of it.
- [Interviewer] Benny Blanco once tweeted, "Last night, I met my idols," in reference to meeting you and BLACKPINK.
- [采访人] Benny Blanco 曾在推特上写道:“昨晚,我见到了我的偶像” , 指的是与您和 BLACKPINK 见面。
Is Benny Blanco one of your idols?
班尼·布兰科 (Benny Blanco) 是您的偶像之一吗?
- Idols?
- That's a lie.
- 那是谎言。
[Rose laughs] - But idols is a big word.
[罗斯笑] - 但是偶像是一个很大的词。
He's a really nice guy.
We love him, and he's very talented.
Love you Ben.
- That's truthful.
- 确实如此。
[Rose laughs] - You also collaborated with his fiance, Selena Gomez, on the song "Ice Cream".
[罗斯笑] - 你还与他的未婚妻赛琳娜·戈麦斯合作了歌曲“Ice Cream”。
- Uh-hmm.
- 嗯。
- Did you help set them up?
- 你有帮忙安排吗?
- Oh, no.
- 噢,不。
[Rose laughs] - [Interviewer] Have you ever been a matchmaker for any of your celebrity friends?
[罗斯笑] - [采访者]你曾经给你的某位名人朋友做过媒人吗?
- For any celebrity friends?
- 有明星朋友吗?
Oh, no, I don't remember.
I don't think I have.
- 她说的是实话。
- Yeah.
- 是的。
- Has anyone ever set you up?
- 有人陷害过你吗?
- Yes.
- 是的。
[laughs] - [Interviewer] How'd it go?
[笑] — [采访者]进展如何?
- Great, I think.
- 我认为,这很棒。
[laughs] Yeah, good.
[笑] 是的,很好。
I'm sweating.
[laughs] - [Interviewer] Fans say you sing in cursive.
[笑] — [采访者] 粉丝们说你用草书唱歌。
- Oh.
- 哦。
- [Interviewer] What do you think singing in cursive means?
- I don't know.
- 我不知道。
I don't try to sing cursive.
I just try to sing well, like I just wanna be good at like... I want people to like my singing, so I'm just trying my best, and I think maybe the trying the best part is why it sounds cursive.
我只是想唱好歌, 就像我只是想擅长......我希望人们喜欢我的歌声, 所以我只是尽我所能,我想也许尽力而为的部分就是为什么它听起来很草书。
- [Interviewer] Your album "Rosie" is about the terrible 20s.
- [采访者] 你的专辑《Rosie》讲述的是糟糕的 20 年代。
Would you say you were very passionate about the 1920s?
你会说你对 20 世纪 20 年代充满热情吗?
- Uh, no.
- 呃,不。
- [Interviewer] Do you think you would've been happier living in the 1920s?
- [采访者] 您认为生活在 20 世纪 20 年代会更幸福吗?
- No.
- 不。
- [Interviewer] Do you think people are generally happier when they reach their 30s?
- [采访者] 您认为人们到了 30 岁时通常会更幸福吗?
- I think I've heard that it is, and I think the closer I get to it, I'm starting to enjoy life a little more.
- 我想我听说过, 而且我认为我越接近这个目标,我就会开始更加享受生活。
So I would say yes.
- [Interviewer] Does it make you nervous that your 30s might just be a continuation of your terrible 20s?
- [采访者] 您是否担心 30 岁可能只是 20 岁糟糕生活的延续?
- Oh, my God, yeah, that would be terrible, but I hope not, and I don't think it would.
- 哦,天哪,是的,那太糟糕了,但我希望不会,而且我也不认为会。
I mean, unless I decide to just live young and dumb, which could be an option, but, hopefully, I enjoy it more.
- [Interviewer] So you don't have an old soul?
-[采访者] 所以你没有老灵魂?
- I think I have an old soul.
- 我想我有一个老灵魂。
[laughs] - Telling truth.
[笑] - 说实话。
[Rose laughs] - [Interviewer] The song "Number One Girl" was inspired by toxic comments you read on social media.
[罗斯笑] - [采访者]《Number One Girl》这首歌的灵感来自于你在社交媒体上看到的恶意评论。
Do you think social media is always a bad thing?
- No.
- 不。
- [Interviewer] Is that because you appreciate all the fan cams that are made of you?
- [采访者] 那是因为你很珍惜所有为你制作的粉丝镜头吗?
- Ah, yeah, it's nice to have monitoring videos online.
- 啊,是的,有在线监控视频真是太好了。
[laughs] - [Judd] Telling the truth.
[笑] — [贾德] 说实话。
- [Interviewer] Do you ever look at fan accounts dedicated to you?
- Yeah, of course.
- 是的,当然。
[laughs] - [Interviewer] What's your favorite account?
[笑] — [采访者] 你最喜欢的账户是什么?
- Account?
- 帐户?
I have a few accounts, and it's always the ones that like genuinely are supportive of me as a person.
- [Interviewer] Do you have a favorite fan edit of yourself?
- [采访人] 你有最喜欢哪一个粉丝编辑的你自己的照片吗?
- Yeah, I do.
- 是的,我知道。
- [Interviewer] What is it?
- I feel so like narcissistic saying this, but I do watch back on my Coachella video, the very first one.
- 说这话感觉自己很自恋,但我确实回顾了我的 Coachella 音乐节视频,第一个。
I'm like, "Wow, they film me.
Like they made me look so good." [laughs] So that's a good video.
就好像他们让我看起来很好一样。” [笑]所以这是一段很棒的视频。
[laughs] - [Interviewer] Your single, "APT", was produced with Bruno Mars.
[笑] — [采访者] 你的单曲“APT”是与布鲁诺·马尔斯合作制作的。
You were a fan of Bruno Mars before working with him.
在与 Bruno Mars 合作之前,您就是他的粉丝。
Are you still a fan?
- Yes, I'll always be a fan.
- 是的,我永远是你的粉丝。
- [Interviewer] If you're such a big fan, what's his best song?
- [采访者] 如果您是他的忠实粉丝,您最喜欢他的哪首歌?
- Best song?
- 最好的歌曲?
Well, my favorite song, I have a few favorites, "Too Good to Say Goodbye".
嗯,我最喜欢的歌曲,我有几首最喜欢的,“Too Goodbye”。
I like "Chunky" lately.
"Locked Out of Heaven" is a really fun one to dance to.
“Locked Out of Heaven” 是一首非常有趣的舞曲。
- [Interviewer] You pitched him two other songs.
- [采访者] 你向他推荐了另外两首歌曲。
What were they about?
- Oh, I pitched, which is really random, I don't know if this makes any sense, when I pitched "Number One Girl" in 3: 00 am, those were my like favorite ones at the time so I just put them in, but my main one was "APT".
- 哦,我推销了,这真的很随机,我不知道这是否有意义,当我在凌晨 3 点推销“Number One Girl”时,那些是我当时最喜欢的, 所以我就把它们放进去了,但我的主要歌曲是“APT” 。
"APT" was the one I was pitching.
- [Interviewer] On October 16th 2024, Bruno Mars left viral comments on your Instagram post of the two of you.
- [采访人] 2024 年 10 月 16 日,布鲁诺·马尔斯 (Bruno Mars) 在你的 Instagram 帖子上留下了关于你们两人的热门评论。
[Rose laughs] Is it true you tried to kiss him?
[罗斯笑] 你真的试图亲吻他吗?
- No.
- 不。
[laughs] Not at all.
[笑] 一点也不。
- [Judd] That's the truth.
-[贾德] 事实就是如此。
- [Interviewer] So are you calling him a liar?
-[采访者] 所以你是说他是个骗子吗?
- Yes, he's a liar.
- 她说的是实话。
Bruno Mars is a liar.
- Bruno Mars is a liar.
- 布鲁诺·马尔斯是个骗子。
[laughs] - [Interviewer] You later referred to his comments as fanfic.
[笑] — [采访者] 你后来将他的评论称为同人小说。
Do you think Bruno has read any of Rose's fanfic?
- My fanfic, I don't know, but I think he may have read his fanfics before.
- 我的同人小说,我不知道,但我想他可能以前读过他的同人小说。
[laughs] He nailed it.
[笑] 他成功了。
- [Interviewer] Do you ever read fanfic about yourself?
-[采访人] 你读过关于你自己的同人小说吗?
- No, I haven't dived into that world before.
- 不,我之前没有进入过那个世界。
It's interesting.
- Suspicious.
- 可疑的。
- What is a fanfic?
- 什么是同人小说?
Like it could be like social media posts maybe.
- [Interviewer] Or stories that people make up.
-[采访者] 或者是人们编造的故事。
- Make up, yeah, okay.
- 化妆,是的,好的。
So if that's considered fanfic, then yes.
- Ah, yes, it was inspired a few.
- 啊,是的,它给了一些启发。
- [Interviewer] Is the song about Jaden Smith?
- [采访者] 这首歌是关于贾登·史密斯的吗?
- No.
- 不。
[laughs] It's not about Jaden Smith.
[笑] 这与贾登·史密斯无关。
He's a good friend though.
Hi, Jaden.
Miss you a lot.
- [Judd] Telling the truth.
- [Interviewer] Have you ever dated Jaden Smith?
- [采访者] 你和贾登·史密斯约会过吗?
- No.
- 不。
- 她说的是实话。
[Rose laughs] - [Interviewer] You're famous for your blonde hair.
[罗斯笑] - [采访者] 你因金发而出名。
Have you ever considered changing it to a different color?
- Mm, I've considered, but I always came to a no.
- 嗯,我考虑过,但最终我的答案都是“不”。
Not yet.
- [Interviewer] Have you ever forgotten to bleach your roots?
- [采访者] 你有没有忘记漂白头发根呢?
- Forgotten, oh, yeah, I've forgotten, and I hated it.
- 忘记了,哦,是的,我忘记了,而且我讨厌它。
So now, I try not to forget.
- [Interviewer] Do you think anyone could pull off being blonde?
- [采访者] 您认为任何人都可以染成金发吗?
- Anyone, no, not anyone.
- 任何人,不,不是任何人。
I think you're selected [laughs] to look good being a blonde or a brunette.
我认为你被选中 [笑] 是因为作为金发或黑发美女看起来很漂亮。
- [Interviewer] What about him, Pete Davidson?
- [采访者] 他怎么样,皮特·戴维森?
- Oh, can I be honest here?
- 哦,我可以说实话吗?
I mean, I have to, actually.
No, no, I'm sorry.
He looks better in a different color.
- [Interviewer] "Wicked" was one of the biggest films of 2024.
- [采访者]《魔法坏女巫》是 2024 年最卖座的电影之一。
Did you see it?
- Not yet, I've been dying to watch it.
- 还没有,我已经迫不及待地想看了。
I need some time.
- [Interviewer] Do you think you would've been a better Glinda than this person?
- [采访者] 你认为你会比这个人更好地扮演格林达吗?
- Oh, not at all, never.
- 噢,一点也不,从来没有。
Well, I haven't watched it.
She looks great, and I'm sure she's incredible in it.
- [Interviewer] Do you think you would've been a better Elphaba than this person?
- [采访者] 你认为如果你扮演埃尔法巴会比这个人更好吗?
- Oh, no, not at all, never.
- 哦,不,一点也不,从来没有。
What, I could never.
- [Interviewer] Is that because you don't like the color green?
-[采访者] 是因为你不喜欢绿色吗?
- No.
- 不。
I think she looks so good.
How do you pull off that color?
Green, green's not bad.
- [Interviewer] Have you ever considered starring in a musical?
- Starring in a musical, I've considered before, but I'd have to be good.
- 主演一部音乐剧,我以前考虑过,但我必须要演得好。
- [Interviewer] What about a revival of a musical, like "High School Musical"?
- [采访者] 重新上演一部音乐剧怎么样,比如《歌舞青春》?
- "High School Musical"?
Well, I'm blonde.
I'm gonna have to be Sharpay.
我必须成为 Sharpay。
♪ Fabulous ♪ I could do it, I know all the lyrics to it.
♪ 太棒了 ♪ 我能做到,我知道所有的歌词。
♪ Bigger and better than that ♪ ♪ Need a little fabulous to get me get along ♪ ♪ Be a little fabulous ♪ ♪ Is that so wrong?
♪ 比那更大更好 ♪ ♪ 需要一点点精彩才能让我相处 ♪ ♪ 变得有点精彩 ♪ ♪ 那样做有错吗?
♪ Oh, sorry, I've lost my voice.
♪ 哦,抱歉,我失声了。
I've been having too much fun.
[laughs] - [Interviewer] You mentioned you were inspired by this woman.
[笑] — [采访者] 你提到你受到了这位女士的启发。
- Yes.
- 是的。
This is one of the movies that really made me wanna be a singer.
- [Interviewer] Would you wanna play Satine in a remake of "Moulin Rouge"?
- [采访者] 你想在翻拍的《红磨坊》中饰演 Satine 吗?
- My gosh, that would be too good to be true.
- 天哪,这太好了,难以置信。
I would absolutely love to do that.
- [Interviewer] So you think you're a better singer than Nicole Kidman?
- [采访者] 所以您认为您比妮可基德曼唱得更好吗?
- No.
- 不。
- [Judd] She's telling the truth.
- No, she was so good here.
- 不,她在这里表现得很好。
- [Interviewer] Would you ever okay a biopic about your life?
-[采访人] 您会同意拍摄一部关于您人生的传记片吗?
- What is that?
- 那是什么?
- A film about you.
- 一部关于你的电影。
- About me, would I ever like it?
- 关于我,我会喜欢它吗?
If I have done great things, then maybe.
[laughs] - [Interviewer] Who would you want to play you?
[笑] — [采访者] 你希望谁扮演你?
- Oh.
- 哦。
That's such a good question.
Somebody Asian with blonde hair [laughs] that speaks Korean and English and can pull off an Australian accent.
某个金发亚洲人 [笑],会说韩语和英语,还能说一口澳大利亚口音。
- [Interviewer] Final question, at any point, did you lie during this interview, and we didn't catch you?
- [采访者] 最后一个问题,在这次采访中, 您是否撒过谎, 而我们没发现?
- No, I don't think I lied.
- 不,我认为我没有撒谎。
I'm not a very good liar.
You could like tell on my face.
So I probably don't even need this.
- 她说的是实话。
[Rose laughs] [suspenseful music]