
内地明星 1 0



First, is the formulation of gender equality correct or not? When you take gender equality as a project to do, in fact, this means that you recognize that there is an unequal relationship between the two genders now.


Second, you recognize that there should be equality between the two genders.


Third, you have to build an effective framework to achieve such equality.


Then are these three things wrong? No. To be honest, the gender equality project of the British Embassy is actually part of the corporate ESG responsibility of enterprises like JD.com. ESG is an investment concept and corporate evaluation standard that focuses on the environmental, social, and governance performance of enterprises rather than financial performance.

那你说这三个东西听上去错吗?没错。英国大使馆这个性别平等项目说实话,实际上对于京东这样的企业来讲,是作为企业 ESG 责任的构成当中的东西。ESG 一种关注企业环境、社会、治理绩效而非财务绩效的投资理念和企业评价标准。

Is the formulation of ESG wrong? It's not wrong either. At least in terms of theoretical value and goals, it is still positive.

ESG 这个提法是错的吗?也不是错的,至少在理论上价值的目标上还是正面的。

But what we see now is that Yang Li's endorsement has caused problems. This is not the first time. The interesting thing is that first, her endorsement for Intel overturned. Then, her endorsement for Great Wall Motors overturned. This time, her endorsement for JD.com overturned again.


So people asked a question from two directions. That is, Yang Li has created a persona for herself in the talk show program to satirize and criticize those phenomena of discriminating against and bullying women and highlighting gender inequality for female groups. This is her self-positioning. Then why does Yang Li always choose brands where men are the absolute consumption main force as the objects of her criticism to do endorsements? Why haven't you seen her look for projects that may not have such high incomes but reflect female public welfare to do endorsements? Where does this persona come from? This is the first.


The second thing people are curious about is that for some activities of the British Embassy or some overseas activities, just like in the 1990s and the early 21st century, among the first batch of opinion leaders on Sina, when some of them had an active interaction with the earliest batch of southern media, you can see that the advertisers of those southern media are largely overlapping, or a considerable part of large overseas enterprises are overlapping.

第二个大家好奇的是,英国大使馆,或者说这些境外的有些活动,就跟二十世纪九十年代和 21 世纪早期,包括新浪最早一批意见领袖当中有一些人,当他在和最早的那一波南方系的媒体有活跃的互动关系的时候,你看那些南方系的媒体,他的广告商,大体上是重合的,或者说有相当一部分境外的大企业是重合的。

Is it possible for anyone to be the spokesperson for Intel? Impossible. There must be someone who recommends. This is about circles. There must be a business circle. In this business circle, investors must have certain preferences. Otherwise, how can I invite her to be the spokesperson? So doing such things again and again, there are many tricks.


So someone put forward a view on Weibo. That is, if talk shows are put in the folk and I buy a ticket to go in and watch. In this room, as long as the scale does not violate local laws, it can do anything. Because simply put, talk shows are not public news broadcasts. It is something that I buy within a limited group. Some people call talk shows the art of offense. That is to say, I pay money to go there to find the feeling of being offended or enjoy the pleasure of being offended.


But doing it online and spreading this thing through her endorsement and forcing this thing into my eyes when I haven't paid. So there is a view that this continuous invitation for her to do endorsements is not a single actor but a certain group or a certain trend of thought. They are intentionally or unintentionally doing a large-scale obedience experiment and want to establish their own authority.


What is authority? Authority means that you must eat what I give you, and what I give you is not something you like. Then I cultivate a new taste for you. This is shaping.


This year, a list of the top 100 DEI employers has been released again. The English translation of this name is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This is a list of the top 100 in China. But I took a look and found that Mercedes-Benz ranks first. There are so many of them that are all foreign companies. The limited number of Chinese companies are all at the back. This represents shaping Chinese companies. You must be diverse, cross-gender, that is, feminism first.

今年有一个 DEI 雇主的一百强的榜单又出炉,这个名字英文翻译出来就是多元公平包容。这个是中国的榜单一百强,但是里面我看了一下排名第一的是奔驰。里面有那么多的全是外企,有限的几个中国企业都在后边,就是代表要塑造中国企业,你必须要多元跨性别,就是要女权优先。

This is a kind of color counter-revolution. The proper definition of revolution is that you use an advanced production method to replace a backward production method.


Now, in practice, ESG and DEI are increasingly showing signs of rent-seeking. What should it be when DEI is introduced into ESG? It should provide a fair opportunity or achieve a fair result for different groups. But this fair opportunity and fair result are not for equality for equality's sake. For example, in any industry, among 100 people, the staff must not strictly match the gender ratio in society. You can't do this.

现在的 ESG 和这个 DEI,在实践过程中,越来越多地表现成了一种寻租。把 DEI 引入到 ESG 里面去之后它应该是什么?他应该是给不同的群体提供一个公平的机会,或者说达到一种公平的结果,但是这个公平的机会和公平的结果,不是为了平等而平等,比如说,任何一个行业,一百个人当中,这个从业人员他必须严格的匹配这个社会上的性别比例。你不能这样去做。

Then someone from JD.com proposed to make a statistical account of the gender ratio of JD.com's total employment from the top to the bottom levels.


Then what is the result of gender equality in the end? In the bottom-level sorting and those jobs dominated by physical strength advantages, men have a natural work advantage, right? It is wrong for you to require women to have the same working conditions as men in physical work positions according to gender equality. In fact, work care that reflects physical differences will have an irreversible impact on the operating costs of enterprises like JD.com.


So in the end, what is the result? Now, the situation generally reflected online is that since then, the gender ratio in management positions has been rapidly tilting towards women.


Second, the salary level is revised. The salary level of men at the lower level is decreasing, saving the cost of the entire company. Then the income at the management level is increasing. Just like Tom Corden and Josh holy interrogating the president of Boeing in the US Congress, why are you so embarrassed to give yourself so much money? How dare you give yourself a high salary? So I say that the spread of ESG and DEI among specific groups in China is essentially a form of rent-seeking. It is a very decent way for the elite to seek rent for themselves.

第二,薪资水平修改。下面男性的工资水平在下降,节省整个公司的成本。然后管理层收入在增加。就像那个 Tom Corden 还有 Josh holy 在美国国会去拷问波音的总裁那样,你凭什么,你怎么好意思给自己加这么多钱?你怎么好意思给自己高薪?所以我就说 ESG 和 DEI 这个东西在中国特定群体中的扩散,本质上,它是一种寻租。它是一种精英非常体面的自我寻租的方式。

Then, sorry, it has not solved the real problem of gender inequality. It has also destroyed the original fair mechanism of the market. And it has also stigmatized the correct thing of seeking gender equality itself. Now, to be honest, gender equality is a goal that everyone should pursue. The starting point for achieving gender equality is equal pay for equal work between men and women.


For China, when did the problem of equal pay for equal work between men and women in work become a problem again? In the early stage of reform and opening up in the 20th century, it was reintroduced along with the market competition system of Western enterprises. Because for pure capital, as a labor force, the value of female labor force is naturally higher than that of male labor force because there is a period when she cannot work. She has physiological cycles, pregnancy cycles, and breastfeeding cycles. If I hire the same labor force and there are these three cycles where she cannot provide labor, I still have to pay her.


Capital naturally tends to hire men. Or when hiring labor, the cost brought by this part of the cycle is deducted from the salary. So unequal pay for equal work comes from this. If you really want to solve these problems, in the process of market-oriented reform, many previous policy arrangements that are friendly to childbirth and parenting, such as kindergartens and education systems, etc., must all be changed according to market-oriented principles. But this part of things is not talked about now.


Later, the World Conference on Women was held, and universities also held gender research conferences. Then, on the entire agenda of gender issues research, the concept of social gender was introduced as the core concept. This has led to the view that after its introduction, what is gender inequality? Essentially, it is a political and social right. Unless women win the confrontational right of free political action, it is impossible to solve the equality problem. Then gender issues are used as a tool and bargaining chip for social mobilization and political agitation.


Then after this thing rises, because it does not touch the root of the problem, but it forms a self-reinforcing interest mechanism. So the more gender issues are solved, the more serious they become. The more serious they become. The opposition between the two sides is increasingly strengthened rather than integrated.


It is to make profits by creating opposition.


The general backlash of public opinion caused by Yang Li's endorsement that we see today is just an inevitable result after this distortion. Its emergence has both contingency and necessity. In this incident of Yang Li, it reflects the arrogance of this group.


Anyone who opposes me is ignorant. I represent the correct direction of historical progress. Just follow me. To be honest, this kind of thing not only stigmatizes this movement but also stigmatizes women. Because the characteristics shown by these people strengthen the unfavorable negative stereotypes of women. This is very unfavorable for women's pursuit of true equality.


These people are consuming women. What these people do is exactly the same as Israel today consuming the six million Jews who were massacred.


The promotion of this consciousness is not beneficial to anyone in this society and among all genders in this society. No one is a survivor and no one can truly profit.


