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近年来,外网有一个很火的 网络用语,叫做: nepo baby。


“nepo baby” 中文可以翻译为“星二代”或者更口语化的 “靠关系进娱乐圈的”,通常带有一定的贬义色彩。

最近,每日邮报介绍了一位新晋 nepo baby,先看图,你猜猜是谁的女儿?

Thisnepo baby just landed a major modeling job with a massive French brand.


She has some fancy roots: her mom is an Oscar winner who just gets better with age. After starring in blockbusters for years she is now producing shows for streamers.


Mom's close Hollywood pals areJennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Garner.


Dad is handsome and has made dozens of movies like Cruel Intentions. And he has worked withSalma Hayek and Glenn Close.


Who is this kid?




她的名字叫做 艾娃 · 伊丽莎白 · 菲利普( Ava Elizabeth Phillippe)。

母亲是美国女演员 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)。代表作有:《律政俏佳人》、《大小谎言》、《早间新闻》等。


父亲是美国男演员 瑞安·菲利普(Ryan Phillippe),代表作有:《我知道你去年夏天干了什么》、《父辈的旗帜》、《生死狙击》等。



Reese and Ryan met in 1997 at the actress’s 21st birthday party. “I don't know what came over me — maybe the seven Midori sours — but I told [Ryan], 'I think you're my birthday present,’” Reese admitted to Jane magazine in 1998. “He thought it was so flattering, and now that I think about it ... how embarrassing!"

瑞茜和瑞安是在 1997 年瑞茜 21 岁生日派对上认识的。“我不知道自己是怎么了,也许是喝了七瓶蜜多丽酸,我告诉(瑞安),‘我觉得你就是我的生日礼物。’”瑞茜在 1998 年对《简》杂志承认。“他觉得我太恭维他了,现在想想......真尴尬!”



“I got married when I was 23 and I had two kids by the time I was 27. So I don’t know, you know, sometimes it’s good to know yourself,” Witherspoon shared. "I would never change anything," she continued, explaining, “I've said to my daughter, I think, you know, [at] 25, you start to know yourself a little bit better."

“我 23 岁结婚,27 岁就有了两个孩子。所以我不知道,可能有时候了解自己是件好事,"瑞茜分享道。“我永远不会改变任何事情,我对我的女儿说过,我认为, [到了] 25 岁,你会开始对自己有了更多的了解。”


"As difficult as it is, my daughter has been the inspiration," he said during an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2007. "She is beyond, in terms of like conscientiousness and maturity, and she has gotten me through this. I know it sounds pathetic — I'm a 32-year-old guy, but my 7-year-old daughter is getting me through the toughest time in my life, and that's beautiful too."

2007 年,他在参加《艾伦秀》节目时说:“尽管这很困难,但我的女儿一直在激励着我。她在自觉性和成熟度等方面都超越了我,是她让我渡过了难关。我知道这听起来很可悲——我是一个 32 岁的男人,但我 7 岁的女儿让我度过了人生中最艰难的时刻,但这也很美好。”

2018年,艾娃考上了加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley 简称UC Berkeley),开始了自己的大学生活。她还曾在社交媒体上晒出了自己的宿舍照片。


Ava made hermodeling debut when she posed in the lookbook for Rodarte’s Fall 2018 collection, and later that same year, starred in an ad alongside her actress mom for Witherspoon’s clothing company, Draper James.

艾娃首次担任模特是在罗达特 2018 秋季系列的相册中,同年晚些时候,她与自己的演员妈妈一起出演了威瑟斯彭的服装公司 Draper James 的广告。

She has since modeled forHalls of Ivy — the 2021 holiday collection for Beyoncé's fashion label, Ivy Park — before becoming the face of Pat McGrath Labs' limited-edition Bridgerton collection in 2021.

此后,她又为碧昂斯的时尚品牌 Ivy Park 的 2021 年假日系列 Halls of Ivy 担任模特,之后在 2021 年成为 Pat McGrath Labs 的限量版 Bridgerton 系列的代言人。

生活中的艾娃,还是一个铲屎官。她从2020年开始收养了一只名叫 Benji的狗,并在社交平台上记录自己的养犬日常。

Her Instagram is full of snaps from their adventures, which include hiking, going on walks, hanging out at the pier and weathering the rain.

她的Instagram 上有很多他们一起冒险的照片,包括徒步旅行、散步、在码头闲逛和淋雨。

She even uses him as inspiration for her artwork, posting an image of theportrait she painted of him.


而且虽然父母离婚,后又重新组建新的家庭,但是 艾娃和父母的关系依然非常亲密。尤其是她和妈妈在一起的时候,常常被调侃是一对姐妹花。


迪肯(Deacon)今年20岁了,继承了父亲的高颜值,唱歌演戏两手抓,目前就读于纽约大学。2020年发布了自己的首张单曲《 Long Run 》。电视处女秀是网飞的《好想做一次》 (Never Have I Ever)第三季。

Deacon’s actor parents were thrilled for him as he began to follow in their footsteps, with Ryan telling ET in August 2022 that he was “so proud” of his son.

迪肯的演员父母为他开始追随他们的脚步而激动不已,瑞安在 2022 年 8 月告诉《卫视周刊》,他为儿子 “感到无比骄傲”。

“I am so proud," Ryan said. "He's about to go to college for music. That's his primary focus. The acting thing he likes to do, and he will do according to what his appetite for it is, but his focus is primarily music."


虽然说现在网络上对nepo baby吐槽声不断,但如果颜值高又有才华,还是会收获很多支持。期待姐弟俩未来有更多的作品带给大家。
