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9月27日,《哈利波特》中麦格教授的扮演者——英国演员 玛吉·史密斯(Maggie Smith)在医院安详去世,享年89岁。



The news was announced by her sons Chris Larkin and Toby Stephens, who said: "She passed away peacefully in hospital early this morning, Friday 27 September.An intensely private person, she was with friends and family at the end. She leaves two sons and five loving grandchildren who are devastated by the loss of their extraordinary mother and grandmother."


Dame Maggie was known for her sharp tongue on screen and off during a varied and acclaimed career that spanned eight decades.In the Harry Potter films, she played the acerbic Professor Minerva McGonagall, famous for her pointed witch's hat and stern manner with the young wizards at Hogwarts.




作为霍格沃茨的变形术老师(Transfiguration teacher),麦格教授是非常严厉,说话简练,所有的学生都很尊敬(也有部分是害怕)她。她不能容忍任何不规矩的行为,是校规的严格执行者,稍不注意就会被她扣学分。



曾有英国媒体问玛吉为什么会接这个角色,她打趣道:“Harry Potter is my pension(哈利·波特是我的养老金)”


Paying tribute, Radcliffe said: "She was a fierce intellect, had a gloriously sharp tongue, could intimidate and charm in the same instant and was, as everyone will tell you, extremely funny."I will always consider myself amazingly lucky to have been able to work with her, and to spend time around her on set."The word legend is overused but if it applies to anyone in our industry then it applies to her. Thank you Maggie."

拉德克里夫在致敬时说:“她智慧过人,伶牙俐齿,能在一瞬间让人望而生畏又魅力十足,而且,每个人都会告诉你,她非常风趣幽默。我一直认为自己非常幸运,能与她共事,能在片场与她相处。传奇这个词已经被用滥了,但要是说谁配得上这个称号,那肯定非她莫属了。谢谢你, 玛吉。”

Emma Watson said she didn't quite appreciate that young Hermione was sharing the screen "with a true definition of greatness" until her adult years.Posting on Instagram, she remembered the star for being "real, honest, funny and self-honouring"."Maggie, there are a lot of male professors and by God you held your own."

艾玛·沃特森说,直到成年后,她才真正体会到年轻的赫敏是在与 “一位真正意义上的伟大人物 ”共同出现在银幕。她在Instagram上发帖,缅怀这位 “真实、诚实、风趣和尊重自己 ”的明星。“ 玛吉,霍格沃茨有很多男教授,但难得的是,你仍能以个人魅力独树一帜。”

Rupert Grint, who played Ron Weasley in the films, said he felt "incredibly lucky to have shared a set with [Dame Maggie] and particularly lucky to have shared a dance" in a post on Instagram.

在电影中扮演罗恩·韦斯莱的鲁伯特·格林特在 Instagram 上发帖说,他感到 “非常幸运能与( 玛吉夫人)在一个片场工作过,尤其幸运的是能共舞一曲”。

除了《哈利·波特》之外,玛吉·史密斯还在有着“英国版红楼梦”之称的 《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中有着精彩表演。


In hit ITV drama Downton Abbey, Dame Maggie played Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess of Grantham, the grand matriarch who excelled at withering one-liners through the show's six series.

在 ITV 热播剧《唐顿庄园》中, 玛吉夫人饰演了格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人维奥莱特·卡劳利,这位 伯爵老妇人在六季中都展示了妙语连珠的本领。

In an interview at a film and radio festival in the U.K. in 2017, Smith joked that she had "led a perfectly normal life" until the producers of "Downton Abbey" came knocking on her door."Nobody knew who the hell I was," she said. But with the worldwide success of the series and a trio of Emmys, that all changed.

2017 年,在英国的一个电影和广播节上接受采访时,史密斯开玩笑说,在《唐顿庄园》的制片人来敲她的门之前,她一直 “过着非常正常的生活”。她说:“没人知道我到底是谁。但随着该剧在全球范围内的成功,捧获三座艾美奖奖杯,这一切都改变了。”




1990年,玛吉·史密斯被英国女王伊丽莎白二世授予了 帝国功勋(Order of the British Empire),获封女爵士。

外媒在报道 玛吉·史密斯逝世的消息时,都会在她的名字前加“Dame”这个单词。在英国,“Dame”是授予女性的一种荣誉称号,相当于男性的“爵士”(Sir)。通常授予在艺术、科学、慈善等领域做出杰出贡献的女性。


In a statement, the King and Queen said: "As the curtain comes down on a national treasure, we join all those around the world in remembering with the fondest admiration and affection her many great performances, and her warmth and wit that shone through both off and on the stage."

英国国王和王后在一份声明中说 “在一位国宝级人物谢幕之际,我们与世界各地的人们一起,怀着最深的敬佩和缅怀之情,缅怀她的众多精彩表演,缅怀她在舞台内外闪耀的热情和机智。”

The prime minister agreed that Dame Maggie was "a true national treasure whose work will be cherished for generations to come".She "introduced us to new worlds with the countless stories she acted over her long career", Sir Keir said.

首相也认为玛吉夫人是 “一位真正的国宝级人物,她的作品将被世世代代珍藏”。基尔爵士说,她 “在漫长的职业生涯中演绎了无数故事,将我们带入了一个个全新的世界”。
